The most asked question when transitioning to become Data Analyst: Why Data?When entering the data industry, which is specifically data analyst, the most frequent question I received is “Why Data?” or “Why I have…Dec 30, 2022Dec 30, 2022
Cleaning data in Python — Part 2: Deal with Duplicated valuesDuplicate values can be diagnosed when we have the same exact information repeated across multiple rows, for some or all columns in our…Nov 8, 2022Nov 8, 2022
Cleaning data in Python — Part 1: Deal with out-of-range dataSome types of data have a fixed range, for example, the rating score for movies runs from 1 to 5 in a dataset, or the subscription date…Nov 2, 2022Nov 2, 2022
Deal with missing data using SQLMissing values in a dataset are quite popular when cleaning data. In SQL Server, missing values are represented by NULL. There are many…Oct 20, 2022Oct 20, 2022
Power BI Project: Analyzing Brazilian E-Commerce Public Dataset by OlistRecently, I had a chance to work in a team on a very interesting Power BI project to analyze a Brazilian E-commerce Company — Olist. The…Oct 15, 2022Oct 15, 2022
FUNCTION and STORED PROCEDURE in SQL Server, are they the same?Both FUNCTION and STORED PROCEDURE can take parameters and SQL statements to complete a specific task. So why do they need to be separated…Sep 8, 2022Sep 8, 2022
VIEW vs CTE in SQL, difference and use casesIn this post, I will clearly explain all about View and CTEs (Common Table Expressions) to help you fully understand the difference and use…Aug 31, 20224Aug 31, 20224
JOIN and UNION in SQL, what is the difference?Have you ever been confused between JOIN and UNION function in SQL, when the ven diagrams of JOIN and UNION look like this:Aug 28, 20221Aug 28, 20221
Sort in Excel — more than you expectedSort data is a very basic tool in Excel that help you rearrange the data to find values quickly. You can sort by Text, Number, Date value…Aug 16, 2022Aug 16, 2022